This country was founded on the principle that we are “One Nation, Under God, Indivisible.”  To me that means we work together and celebrate each other, our individuality, independence, and interdependence.

There’s a really cool, new initiative a lot of us are celebrating and joining this Martin Luther King Day weekend.  It’s the “Declaration of Service” project (, a place to commit to working to help others by volunteering at non-profit organizations: service groups, hospitals, schools, faith-based institutions, community centers, arts organizations, programs that help elderly or young folks — or organizations you set up.  I’ve declared my goal of at least 50 hours of community service this year.  Why don’t you join me — click here to go to their website — and fill-in the form and help someone in need.

You’ll feel great.  You’ll lose weight (!) by getting your mind off your problems and reaching outside yourself to assist those who may be less fortunate than you.  I wrote more about helping others the other day, take a look here. You might volunteer at a homeless kitchen and feed those who are hungry instead of overeating tonight.

You could consider taking some of the excess food in your pantry and taking it right now to a food bank for the poor.  You can find these at local churches or community centers.  You may then celebrate your victory from overeating and at the same time help those who are under-eating.

We’d love to hear of your ways and goals of volunteering, please post!

I am volunteering to do personal coaching with overweight people who cannot afford my standard fees.  I also serve on the boards of some non-profit organizations: a community arts and recreation center in the midwest, and an international arts shelter for marginalized artists from other countries (

Together, we CAN!

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