I’ve occasionally run into the Big hit TV show, “America’s Funniest Home Videos” while channel surfing. People send in their videos, and millions of people laugh at them. It’s mostly scenes of people hurting themselves, such as a guynon a trampoline falling and landing between his legs. The audience roars. I felt just the opposite,…

Interestingly enough, there are times when pleasurable activities really cause us pain. There are of course many instances of this, but let me go over a really clear pleasure/pain case study with you today. I know a nice lady in her mid 70’s who is very healthy, except for a couple of chronic illnesses, stomach…

Yes, I’m not feeling well again today, and admittedly a bit cranky, but gosh, I’m watching the morning news right now as I write, and I’m not only upset, I’m really worried. This situation in Japan, with the four nuclear reactors is appalling. There’s a possible breach of the containment vessel, with “mox fuel” a…

I’ve posted very late today, as I have been a bit under the weather. After working so hard, and under a lot of stress, I have had a sinus problem turn in to an infection. I went to the doctor, who said I needed to drink much more water, and also rinse my nostrils. Also,…

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