Thank you’s to everyone who read this blog regularly, and big thank you’s to those who posted this week. A lot of people ask me questions; too many for me to answer here although I will from time-to-time if it seems like there’s a theme that many people are thinking about. I also recommend it’s…

So you slipped off your food plan, and had a few ice-cream sundaes, or a bag of chips or cookies. I know you regretted it! Use this episode and learn from it. Study how you felt afterward: Did you feel stuffed, tired, headachy, fat? GUILTY??? Pay attention to what caused you to do it; look…

A lot of folks commented recently here about what’s working and what is not in their lives, in order to be their healthiest.   Lori wrote,  “At reaching 60 you can imagine I’ve tried every diet out there over the years. The one I found that works best for me is to eat less carbs…

I’m finding Janice Taylor and my online blog conversation very, very revealing!  Janice and I have gone in just four little days from hunger for weight loss, brownies, to diets, carbohydrates, to grandmothers and mothers, to hungry, starving people that need help, to cake and its colors.  Janice Taylor’s latest blog is about Harriet, her…

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