Check-out this post in my friend and colleague’s Beliefnet blog, Fresh Living today.  Erin O’Donnell wrote a piece about the portion sizes in “Last Supper” paintings. She points out a recent study by the Cornell Food and Brand Lab, “Researchers looked at 52 different paintings of the Last Supper created over the course of 1000…

I realized today, while making a big bowl of salad for my lunch, that I have salad pretty much every day at midday.  I then began to think breakfast.  I tend to have some sort of whole grain muffin or cereal first thing in the morning.  Then, I began to become aware that I have…

As nighttime eating is a difficult problem for me and many of our readers, I have some suggestions.  A lot of experts say just “don’t eat at night,” or “never eat after 8pm,” but a lot of folks just have to have something.  One approach is to have low-calorie and low-fat items, if you cannot…

Here’s a bit-o-the-green for you.  Instead of using food coloring to make food green, such as green bread, green eggs, or lord help us, green ham – let’s have something natural to celebrate St. Patrick, and Ireland. Dr. Norris J. Chumley’s Saint Patrick’s Day Greens Wash, dry and Combine:Green lettuce: Bibb, Boston, Romaine – whatever…

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