I am delighted that our First Lady, Michele Obama is not only speaking out, but taking action to help adults and kids eat more vegetables and fruits, less desserts, and to be active on a daily basis.  Yes! As an obese kid myself, I know the dangers and the heartache of being fat.  I’ve been…

I’m convinced that many of us in the western world eat way too much meat.  When trying to lose weight, I’ve learned that limiting both meat and carbohydrates and increasing physical movement through exercise is the way to go.  By eating lots more vegetables and some fruit, instead of high-fat meat, you will naturally take…

Ever read package serving sizes?  Want to lose weight, get fit, and eat less? Have you been shocked to find out that they’re usually smaller than your diet has been in the past?    That’s the subject of Day 32 on the Give-Back Diet. Here’s a video about servings sizes, and portions I made for you……

It is possible to occasionally eat out at a restaurant, or even a fast-food place and keep your healthy diet, and save calories and money too.  Welcome to the 31st day of the Give-Back Diet. I do want to say first thing that restaurant food is often made to taste great so it keeps customers…

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