Two reader’s comments struck me this morning as being on-target. One about mysteries of self-abuse, the other about the power of spiritual practice.  Not a direct problem and answer counterpoint, but somehow, these relate.  I hope they will for you, too. An anonymous reader sent the comment, “I am very overweight, and punish myself with…

Here is a great sugar-free and lower-fat pie treat that’s easy to make, with exotic sweet fruit and no artificial sweetener.  The fruit is so sweet you don’t need additional sugar. You can use a frozen piecrust, or make one from scratch.  Feel free to vary the fruits used; I picked unusual ones that are…

The “few little bites” you eat while cooking or preparing for lunch or dinner, may actually be the equivalent of a whole meal.  Tastes of dishes being cooked can also add up.  Be careful! A couple handfuls of crackers and 5 slices of cheese might actually be 600 or 700 calories.  A small piece of…

The asparagus is sprouting!  The plants my wife planted a few years ago are now delivering delicious sprigs of tasty asparagus.  This is what they look like in our garden. You have to hurry with asparagus: pick them just a day or two after they sprout.  Any longer and it’s too late, the sprouts grow…

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