What makes you happy?  Is it losing weight and keeping it off?  Having a lot of money, lots of cool stuff, and living a rich life?  Is it that happiness depends on being famous or well-known?  None of the above for our readers!  Well, may be a little weight loss and staying healthy, certainly! From…

I just love the breath of fresh air that I felt when I read Cheri’s comment this week, in response to the column I wrote on “Hope is Grace,”  and I featured it in a “Dr. Norris Chumley Satisfied Life” Comment of the Week, which although I wrote it awhile ago, people are still responding,…

Here’s an idea you may enjoy trying. As you take your shower for the day, imagine that you are not only washing your body, but that you are also washing your psyche! Imagine that the stress from your fears, worries and problems is flowing away, out of your body: down, down, down the drain. The…

Please add your thoughts and feel free to confide your problems in last week’s posting, “Confidentially Relived,”  I really appreciate what you wrote.  We are all in this life together, and the Internet is a great way for us to get to know one another.  This week brought a lot of us to begin talking…

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