This morning I was all flustered because I had to pay bills.  Gosh, those expenses are high!  It’s an exercise in stretching, moving money from one place to another, shuffling, leaping and moving forward.  Kind of like dancing: you stretch, and move, leap, shuffle and move forward. So I paid some, stretched a bit, and…

I’ve been saying this for years, no matter how you do it, lowering carbohydrates and increasing protein, lowering fats and preferably non-saturated ones, eating less of anything is now clinically proven for weight loss.  There is a recent and major study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, of 811 patients, that is worth…

This morning I jumped on our bathroom scales, as I do every month.  I like to check to see what I weigh, to keep my 160-pound weight maintenance on track. I only weigh myself once a month, because I know that I can fluctuate up or down as much as 5 pounds depending on the…

This comment from Dino just reached out and grabbed my attention: For me, the big change in my thinking came one day. I realized I was a creation of God; made in God’s image. What I had been doing was trashing my body–disrespecting my own body! Because I am loved by the creator and because…

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