This morning, I’m taking my regular dance class again. I am a regular for many years now, and just love it, but this summer it’s been on an abbreviated schedule as our teacher, the glorious Naomi, has been traveling a lot.  She’s presenting her choreography, and giving classes all over the place this summer.  I’m…

I recommend weighing yourself only once per month. Same day, time, place. Try weighing yourself first thing in the morning, before breakfast, after your morning “constitutional.” Then write it on a piece of paper, with the date, amount, and variation up or down. Once a month is enough. If you weigh yourself more than that,…

I wrote about Qnexa recently, a “new” weight loss drug that combines two older ones, phentermine (an amphetamine) and topirimate (for seizures).  Last week, an FDA panel of advisors voted to not approve it. The panel saw that it contains those older drugs which have proven to be a bit dangerous for some, and was…

This is a question I often ask myself, and often want to share with my family and friends: what’s the best sunscreen, and how much sunscreen or sunblock? Here is what I have gathered, recommend and do myself: A “healthy tan” is a total myth.  Any tan can damage your skin. No such thing as…

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