Hello, and welcome to another day of the Give-Back Diet.  Today, let’s keep it really simple and joyous and count our blessings together.  Have you lost weight, stabilized your weight and diet, or made some healthy changes?  Let’s identify what’s right and good! ACTION PLAN: — Take 5 minutes right now and make a written…

As we move another day forward, this the 34th Day since the beginning of the Give-Back Diet, I want to convince you of the joys of yoga. Yoga is a Sankrit word for “union.”  It all about making connections with your body, with emotions and with God.  I also believe that living your life fully,…

I’m convinced that many of us in the western world eat way too much meat.  When trying to lose weight, I’ve learned that limiting both meat and carbohydrates and increasing physical movement through exercise is the way to go.  By eating lots more vegetables and some fruit, instead of high-fat meat, you will naturally take…

It is possible to occasionally eat out at a restaurant, or even a fast-food place and keep your healthy diet, and save calories and money too.  Welcome to the 31st day of the Give-Back Diet. I do want to say first thing that restaurant food is often made to taste great so it keeps customers…

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