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Dr. Norris J. Chumley Satisfied Life
Dr. Norris J. Chumley Satisfied Life
That Was Yesterday
Dr. Norris Chumley
As I had a rather large birthday lunch and dinner, I’m having less breakfast this morning. I’m writing less, too, until the Beliefnet blog is repaired, which they assure me, work is being done on it! Keep coming back!
Thinking Positive
Dr. Norris Chumley
As I wait for B-net to fix the problems-I’m counting my blessings. 1- today is my birthday. 2-I’m alive and well 3- God loves me. Out of room!
Technical Difficulties
Dr. Norris Chumley
I apologize – the “Dr. Norris Chumley Satisfied Life” blog is having some technical problems. Beliefnet is working on it. We hope to have it fixed very soon. I miss writing for you – and reading your comments! Dr. Norris
Write the Weight Away
Dr. Norris Chumley
A great way to understand what’s going on in your life, in your habits and actions, thoughts and needs, is to write about it. Keep a journal or diary. Write what you’re thinking and doing. Talk on paper about what and how much you are eating, and what you’re doing to move your body and…
Morning Bodily Wake Up
Dr. Norris Chumley
This morning, right now, I’m not quite ready for my daily hourly workout. I have some deadlines to answer (including writing today’s blog!), and some plans I want to accomplish right away. So I put on the radio to a station that had some high-energy music playing, turned it up loud, opened the doors and…
Time to Review Your Medications
Dr. Norris Chumley
Recently, the American Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and some European agencies announced that they were not recommending continuation of a medication for diabetes, Avandia (generic name Rosiglitazone), as it was implicated in heart disease. Further, sales of the drug will be eliminated in Europe and severely restricted in the U.S. Only if patients have…
Think Before You Overeat
Dr. Norris Chumley
If you are about to overeat, stop for a moment and ask yourself if it’s worth it. Will you actually feel better, or will you feel guilty or remorseful for having abused yourself? Do you want to be bad to yourself? If so, then ask yourself why. Think about it for several minutes. What could…
An Obesity Virus?
Dr. Norris Chumley
Yesterday, the Wall Street Journal and Washington Post mentioned scientific studies about a link between a virus, Adenovirus-36, which causes respiratory problems and obesity. There have been dozens of subsequent research studies on this possible (or impossible) link. After a little more research, I see that this has come up several times, as far back…
Recipe: Succotash Soup
Dr. Norris Chumley
The word for “corn” is “succotash” from the native language of the Narragansett Indians. Originally from their word, msiquatash (broken pieces), succotash has become known as a mixture of different vegetables, especially corn, peppers and beans, and often served as a late-summer or autumn side dish. I remember having it many a time in my…
God Is Able
Dr. Norris Chumley
I went to a wonderful church in Indiana yesterday, and there was a hymn “God is Able.” The choir was heavenly, and the soloist fantastic. The lyrics spoke of God being able to move mountains, solve all troubles, and help us pass the many tests of life, brought floods of tears to me. God is…
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