Dr. Norris J. Chumley Satisfied Life

Acai Berries and Colon Cleanser From time-to-time, I like to answer questions from readers.  I cannot answer every question, of course, but sometimes I think it’s important to address topics that are of interest to lots of people. Here’s one that was written in a comment on something I wrote about prayer. “Dear Dr. Norris,…

How to lose weight, weight loss tips, diets, fat loss programs – the world is filled with them.  It’s pretty amazing to me that people continue to look for some new, magical formula or solution.  It’s amazing to me that people are overweight or obese at all these days.  Don’t we already know what makes…

There’s a United Nations initiative for peace: on Monday September 21, a suggested moment at noon (EST) they’re calling “A Million Minutes for Peace.”  The idea is for as many people around the world to gather together for silence or prayer.  If you missed it, go ahead and try a minute of peace, anyway. Also,…

Do you feel like you just can’t lose weight, no matter how hard you try? Do you feel like you’ve tried everything? Are you on the brink of giving up? I can’t blame you. Losing weight seems really hard, if not impossible. We are all working at it and finding we can’t do it alone.…

After the first couple of episodes of rejection, stereotypes and televised polygamy in “More to Love,” I stopped watching.  It was just too sad, and fairly stupid, I thought.  Not to mention exploitative of the female contestants, and of overweight people in general.  However, when I heard that the final episode was this past week,…

I recommend signing up for a recreation class, and faithfully attending it.  It’s like going to a party!  You can quickly make some friends, and move, and stretch and feel good.  It important to find the right group, though, where you fit in and feel comfortable. When I was losing weight, seriously committing myself to…

That’s the word the gatekeeper used at my gym the other day, as she let me in.  “Enjoy” she said, and my first thought was not nearly as positive.  My old negative thinking is still  buried so deeply; I was a little shocked at the thought of actually enjoying going to the gym.  Then, my…

Did Patrick Swayze “lose” his battle with pancreatic cancer?  Many news reports said so, as they were reporting his death.  I believe he won. In his movie, “Ghost,” the key moment of the whole film, at the end, was his saying that it is love that is the connection between people, and life and death. …

Aren’t we blessed to be alive? Isn’t it wonderful to be human: To give and receive love, to have dreams and aspirations, to learn and change? Let’s take time together to see what bountiful blessings we have today, instead of choosing to feel down or bad about what we don’t. Stop for five minutes, right…

I just made up a really delicious drink.  I find this one deeply satisfying, especially on a hot day.  In my quest to drink more water and hydrate, with my smattering of knowledge of Ayurveda remedies to add lemon to water, I think I’ve got a winner for you! 1 16 oz. glass of pure…

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