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Dr. Norris J. Chumley Satisfied Life
Dr. Norris J. Chumley Satisfied Life
Careful, Don’t Pick Up a New Habit
Dr. Norris Chumley
Be careful when weaning yourself from one habit that you don’t pick up another. It’s a natural tendency, especially for those of us who tend to use food to fill emotional gaps. Just because you may not be eating so much, don’t substitute your old too-much-food habit with a new habit of too-much-coffee, cigarettes, sweets…
Keep a Journal for Weight Loss
Dr. Norris Chumley
A great way to understand what’s going on in your life, in your habits and actions, thoughts and needs, is to write about it. Keep a journal or diary. Write what you’re thinking and doing. Talk on paper about what and how much you are eating, and what you’re doing to move your body and…
Fat Is Good for Weight Loss, if it’s the Brown Kind
Dr. Norris Chumley
Very interesting news… there are three recent articles in the New England Journal of Medicine that report brown fat, or brown adipose tissue, something that burns energy faster than regular “adult fat” was originally thought to be only in newborns. Doctors and researchers believed that once we grew older, the brown fat went away. This…
Changes, love, and the Dr. Norris Chumley Satisfied Life Comment of the Week
Dr. Norris Chumley
Losing weight, being healthy, straightening up finances, healing and mending troubled relationships — all are about making changes. Living life, being satisfied with what is, and what we have, not always questing for something out-of-reach. Loving what there is and how it is. I was thinking of these truths the other day, planning to write…
Recipe: Brazilian Pineapple Mint Smoothie (Jugo abacaxi e hortelã)
Dr. Norris Chumley
Here’s a delicious, nutritious, low calorie, easy and inexpensive drink that fills you up and gives you a good boost of energy. Think of it for breakfast, or any meal, or for a snack, especially a nighttime nightcap (if you struggle with nighttime eating). My friend, Todd Lester, a frequent traveler and gourmet, taught me…
Surrender into His Hands: Cheri’s Comment of the Week
Dr. Norris Chumley
I just love the breath of fresh air that I felt when I read Cheri’s comment this week, in response to the column I wrote on “Hope is Grace,” and I featured it in a “Dr. Norris Chumley Satisfied Life” Comment of the Week, which although I wrote it awhile ago, people are still responding,…
My Favorite Poem: “The Merciful Heart” by Saint Isaac of Ninevah
Dr. Norris Chumley
In response to April being “National Poetry Month,” I’ve chosen a favorite of mine. To me this poem is about being a whole person, appreciating the gifts from God, including the ups and downs. This is a person who had a lot of life experience, and was satisfied with his life and is in love…
Happiness Lives
Dr. Norris Chumley
In order to lead a healthy, happy life, focus on positive things. Make a list of at least three details of your life that give you happiness. Go ahead, take five minutes right now to think about what gives you happiness. Post them and share them, please! Here are some ideas: People you love like…
Eliminate Stress with Meditation
Dr. Norris Chumley
I’d love to know if you meditate or practice silence every day. Please post a comment below, and tell me and our readers about how you’re solving stress through silence and meditation. If you are an emotional overeater, or if you eat to change moods such as feeling upset, stressed, or a bit down –…
Managing Nighttime Eating
Dr. Norris Chumley
I’ve had a few thoughts about what to do with nighttime eating problems since I wrote about it awhile back. Click here to take a look at the previous article. Putting emotional causes aside and focusing only on physical aspects, I think some people are struggling with nighttime eating, or overeating, because of a few…
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