More from the “Everyone Knows This Is Unethical But Let’s Enjoy a Rare Moment of Unanimity” file. Or perhaps the “Who Does That?” file.  Apparently authorities in Chicago have been conducting an investigation into graverobbers at Burr Oak Cemetery over the last few months, culminating in a Wednesday morning raid and several arrests. There are…

Hillary and I were catching up yesterday and found ourselves chatting about the recent Burger King ad controversy. We yammered on in complete agreement for a few minutes before realizing we were referring to completely different ads, both in what we considered to be bad taste. Whoops. After we enlightened each other, we decided to…

Whoa now. A church in Florida is not mincing words on a sign posted on its grounds, “Islam is of the Devil”. The church’s pastor, Terry Jones, has no qualms about the sign, saying he plans on adding other signs to include messages on abortion and gay marriage. Jones believes this is a message of awareness…

There’s been a lot of back and forth in the office today about the proper way to appreciate a woman’s, er… ‘assets’. Naturally, it was brought on by the pictures of Presidents Obama and Sarkozy apparently staring at the rear end of a comely young lady who was passing by during a photo op. I…

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