Apparently, in Philadelphia, a big scandal has brewed over a local day camp that contracted with a private club to use their pool facilities. After some members complained (and allegedly were heard uttering racist remarks in terrible fear of seven-year-old children) the club refunded the camp’s money and asked them not to return, with the…

People keep sending me the oddest ethical issues. Like this one, which came by way of a pal living in Prague. She stumbled across a blog post written by a guy who had been invited to–get this–an abortion party. After blogging about his experiences and his reaction, I found myself having my own. Holy ovaries,…

Sorry, folks, I’m in an existential angst mood today, perhaps even an existential crisis mood. I’m feeling like a phony, if only in the sense that my day-to-day existence feels inauthentic. But by inauthentic, what do I actually mean? Well, I’ve been feeling for a while now that the life I lead doesn’t accord terribly well…

Last night I wrote a post relaying my discomfort and chagrin at what I considered to be an unethical gut reaction to the homage paid to Michael Jackson after his death. A few days earlier, Hillary referenced an article asking if morality came from the heart or the head. Yesterday, the New York Times published…

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