The AP is reporting disgraced ex-reporter Jayson Blair – famous for plagiarizing (and in some cases, completely fabricating) the news while a New York Times reporter back in 2003 – has a new career these days: Life Coach. Blair, who was once a wunderkind, was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and has admitted substance abuse issues in…

Compassion and ethics. Can they co-exist? I say yes, though certainly not in every situation. Take this one, for example: Today, Scottish authorities released Abdel Baset al-Megrahi, the convicted Libyan “Lockerbie bomber” on compassionate grounds. Al-Megrahi was sentenced in 2001 for his part in the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 on Dec. 21, 1988,…

I have to admit, I got quite an ethically-challenged guffaw out of Barney Frank’s comments to the woman who compared President Obama’s healthcare plans to a ‘Nazi policy’. Take a look at the video and see for yourself:   I don’t mind that he called her thoughts ‘vile, contemptible nonsense,’ or that he wondered aloud…

Liskula Cohen, a NY model whose face has graced the cover of Vogue, among other mags, didn’t appreciate being called a “skank” – and worse – by an anonymous blogger on the website “Skanks In NYC” (since defunct). So she went to court and sued Google, which hosted the blog, to force them to reveal…

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