“A whole website just to laugh at discount shoppers?” you scoff?  Why, yes. Apparently, so. I decided I had to run a mention of the site, PeopleOfWalmart.com, after a commenter on our own blog said: “Has anyone ever noticed this sort of thing always happens at Wal-Mart?” in referring to the story of a man…

Short answer? Yes, I will. An animal rights activist group, Mercy For Animals, broughtto light a video of unwanted male chicks at the Hy-Line Hatchery of West Des Moines,Iowa, being tossed alive into grinders because they are “of little value.” Thenews article I read said: The group said that tossing malechicks, which have little value…

Our fellow Beliefnet blogger and editor, Valerie Reiss, just sent me a link and a question: Is chivalry dead on the subway?  Why is she asking? Apparently, NY Times city blogger Lynn Harris has had a hard time getting a seat offered to her on the train both times she was pregnant. She blogged about it this…

Apparently, Levi Johnston is all over Vanity Fair, not having exhausted his 15 minutes (or our patience) *quite* yet. Or perhaps with Labor Day coming late this year, it’s just a slow news start for September? In any case, he’s spilling whatever there is left to spill, including “revelations” like “Palin wanted to adopt our…

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