Health care workers are on the front lines of the battle against H1N1 this year. So why not look at the question of whether it ought to be mandatory for them to receive swine flu vaccinations using a military metaphor?

When I first read the MSNBC headline, “Woman Implanted with Wrong Embryo to Give Birth”, I moved straight past it, thinking it sounded a bit too much like a supermarket tabloid to interest me. I’m glad I took a closer look, because I now feel it’s a story worthy of the “Moral Monday” title –…

Last weekend I returned from a lovely, restful weekend trip to San Francisco. As I boarded the red-eye back to New York, I found myself hoping that just this once, I would have the ideal flying neighbor–the non-existent one. What I got instead was a middle-aged man, sniffling, sneezing, coughing his way through the 5-hour…

Dental plans are the worst, aren’t they? Some of you may remember my worst-date story in which I also described an accident that resulted in a mouthful of broken teeth – after paying more than half those costs out-of-pocket, I feel traumatized simply walking past a dentist’s office. So I must admit there’s a part…

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