For myself, I see ethics as easily separable from religion. Steve argues, if I'm understanding him aright, that we are accountable ultimately to God, and that that is the only true source of our morality and moral obligations. Without a supreme being, our actions are meaningless: 'without moral weight'. If we are accidental, we have…

I was reading Gothamist this morning and saw what was, simultaneously, the saddest and most hilarious little 'human' interest piece posted last night: a rat got stuck in a crack in a New York City sidewalk and a reader snapped a photo.

A few weeks ago, Hillary wrote about the website, peopleofwalmart. At the time I refrained from commenting because, well, I felt bad. I grew up in small towns around Missouri where Wal-Mart was the primary source of…everything. And while the people of Wal-Mart were fair enough fodder for my friends and I, I didn’t want the coastal…

Fascinating news! I just read that PBS will air a series based on an edited version of a wildly popular Harvard philosophy class on ethics and morality. The class, called “Justice: What’s the Right Thing to Do?” is the brainchild of Professor Michael Sandel, who has taught thousands of students over the years. Subjects like…

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