I was just on my way out the door, rushed for time as usual, when the phone rang. Caller ID said, “000-000-0000.” I had a pretty good idea who it’d be (in a general sense) but I was expecting a call from an out-of-town business associate that day, so I couldn’t afford not to answer.…

One of the many things I love about my friends is their unflagging enthusiasm – since I started writing for this blog, countless dinner conversations and happy hour chatter have ended with the refrain, “Hey! A new ethical dilemma perhaps??!” Many of these topics have popped up on Everyday Ethics. There are a few that…

Sorry, folks, I’m in an existential angst mood today, perhaps even an existential crisis mood. I’m feeling like a phony, if only in the sense that my day-to-day existence feels inauthentic. But by inauthentic, what do I actually mean? Well, I’ve been feeling for a while now that the life I lead doesn’t accord terribly well…

A few years ago, my father passed away, and since then I’ve tended to keep my distance from the Father’s Day blitz each summer – too many bittersweet, confused feelings.  Today, however, due to work, I read President Obama’s thoughts on fatherhood, and found myself fighting back unprofessional tears at my desk. Of all his…

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