I wish I could blog about the weather here in New York lately. I must say, I believe continuous rain for two weeks in June to be completely unethical! However, I’m distracted from the slow drip by other concerns. I’m on constant “lay-off” watch these days, closely monitoring not only my job situation, but that…

Here’s my quandary.  It’s been a long day.  I’m tired and grumpy.  My husband, who usually brings the mail upstairs, is home sick so I’m the one swinging by our building’s mailboxes on the way back from work.  This in itself poses no problem.  I’m happy to do the little things like take out the…

Guess what? After my post on my failure as a recycler, I actually began to do much, much better at recycling. I now manage to remember semi-regularly to bring a ‘green’ bag with me when I shop. And, after I spouted off so sanctimoniously about the ethics of censoring my dirty mouth by watching where I…

And does the intent matter? I’m settling in to do some writing at my local coffee joint, getting all prepared to talk…you know…ethics ‘n’ stuff. I make sure I buy enough (a black & white cookie and a large decaf latte) to justify the amount of time I’ll be hanging around taking up one of their…

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