Dental plans are the worst, aren’t they? Some of you may remember my worst-date story in which I also described an accident that resulted in a mouthful of broken teeth – after paying more than half those costs out-of-pocket, I feel traumatized simply walking past a dentist’s office. So I must admit there’s a part…

Where does one go when they need a little Etiquette 101? Why Emily Post, of course! We’re pleased to introduce Daniel Post Senning, moderator of the Emily Post Q+A blog – Etiquette, as a new guest blogger. Our belief here at Everyday Ethics is that wrestling with what might seem to be a “little”…

When I ran the idea for this post by Paddy, she snorted and said, “Ha, do people really?” And I mumbled something like, “Er, I’m sure some unethical crumb bums must.” (Skip work on their birthdays, that is.) Truth is, I may have done it once. Or twice. Or mumbledy-mumble times. I know, horrrrible work…

At the risk of living up to our “popcorn” reputation, here’s a truly trivial confession: There are days when I walk right past stuff I simply don’t wish to see. Like the cat puke I don’t want to clean. We’ve got two little mongrels (one a lot less little than the other) and sometimes, well,…

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