“I don’t believe people are looking for the meaning of life as much as they are looking for the experience of being alive.” – Joseph Campbell

The meaning of life has intrigued philosophers, writers, scientists, and theologians for centuries. While the topic of existence and humanity’s purpose will always be debated and speculated, there are certain essential truths that seem to hold up through the ages.

A sense of purpose – You don’t have to be successful to have a meaningful life, but you will feel more fulfilled if you’re making a difference in the world. It could be a goal you’re working toward, a new garden that you’re planting, or a new career you’re chasing—if it gives you a sense of purpose, then take a moment to actively appreciate it.

Often times, our current roles are the purpose we feel led to do, even if we have no other plans or goals currently set. If your happiness is in a homemaking role or your position at work, wherever you are, knowing that you belong is fundamental to being happy.

Acceptance of things you can’t change – It’s a natural response to worry about future events. However, it’s not productive. If you can’t affect the problem or situation that’s bothering you, then there’s nothing else you can do but enjoy the moment you’re in.

Circumstances, material things, upcoming bills, appointments, and problems can’t all be solved or changed in one moment. So you can either take the necessary steps to start a change, or you can focus on the positive and leave the rest alone. Sometimes, all that you can change is your attitude.

Happiness in the moment – The amount of money you have doesn’t determine how significant your life is, nor does the cleanliness of your house or the model of your car. When you can appreciate the moment you’re in and be happy with what you have, you will realize the depth of meaning your life can have. It seems overly simple, yet it’s a lost practice on modern society.

Be content where you are; take time to actively appreciate THIS moment, wherever you are and whatever you’re doing.

Things that fill your life with joy – Passions and hobbies make life endlessly meaningful. What would life be without those things we love to do? Doing something that you love gives you a sense of joy and contentment that adds positively to your life. If you’re not creating time for these passions or aren’t sure what they are, and then you could find a way to work it into your schedule.

Think of it as a way to enjoy your life more and find deeper significance in a simple way.

People that you care about – Human life was not meant to be lived alone! You don’t have to be married or be close with your family in order to lead a fulfilling life, but whoever it is that you’re close with—from work, from church, an old high school friend, your sibling—you can find joy in knowing that this is an essential part of human function.

It doesn’t mean that you are an extrovert who thrives on social situations or human interaction, but having that connection, whether one-on-one or in more of a group setting, is a very meaningful part of existence. Focusing on who you have close to you is an enriching thing.

About Alex Blackwell

Alex Blackwell is a father, husband and writer. He writes about inspiring things at The BridgeMaker.
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