“Every day is a good day to be alive, whether the sun’s shining or not.” – Marty Robbins

The sun is rising a little later and setting a little earlier these days. Summer is courageously holding on, but it can probably sense that autumn is right around the corner.

Seasons change. And so do we.

But rather than dreading change, you have the choice to embrace what’s next. It’s up to you to live consciously; to celebrate life as it happens and to feel more alive every day.

To help you feel passion, excitement and a sense of wonder with your ever changing life, here are a few ideas that may encourage you:

Face a window and allow the sun to wash over your face. Soak it in and allow its warmth to settle in those dark places deep inside of you that need some extra energy.

Head outside during a lunch break. Just a few minutes outdoors can restore your energy and refresh your attitudes.

Spend time with loved ones. No specific activity needs to be planned; only reserve the time and watch what happens next.

Look in a mirror and make the commitment to take care of the face you see.

Notice what’s right in your life.Appreciate the positive and the good. Honor the things that give you hope. Focus more on what’s right and less on what you think you should have to be happy.

Spend time with friends.Enjoy the company of friends and receive their appreciation and attention. Let their love inside and allow it to cover you.

Remember your life has a purpose. No one else can contribute to the world like you can. Your gifts are unique and your gifts are desperately needed by a world that needs every positive touch possible.

Know when to say when. Set reasonable and healthy boundaries. Save whatever you need for yourself.

Listen to your favorite song. Music can lift your spirits and bring energy back into your body. Turn up your iPod and sing along, tap your feet and clap your hands. Get in to it and let your heart feel the pulse of the beat.

Do some inspirational reading. Go back to something that has touched your soul and read it again or read something similar. Take in the words and allow these words to be written over your heart.

Get organized. While you may be able to control everything that happens, you can control the small things like decluttering your desk, or cleaning out the refrigerator. These small wins add up over time and give you the sense that your life really is that of control after all.

Keep the faith. At the end of the day when you are tired and weary and your life is still not where you want it to be, the one thing that tells you to keep going; to get up tomorrow and to keep moving forward, is your faith.

About Alex Blackwell

Alex Blackwell is a father, husband and writer. He writes about inspiring things at The BridgeMaker.
Web | Simple Paths | How to Love Consciously

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