Everyday Inspiration

A note from Alex: Welcome to the first post in a new five-part series, The Five Secrets of a Happy Marriage. Having a happy marriage doesn’t just happen by accident. Marriage is a partnership, and like any partnership, it takes commitment, dedication and hard work to nurture it and help it grow strong. The following…

“The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak.” – Hans Hoffman Do you ever feel overwhelmed? Maybe you feel as if you are treading water and not getting anywhere. Do you feel as if all of your hopes and dreams have been pushed aside in favor of keeping…

Today’s Sunday Inspiration: Easter is a beautiful reminder to leave the past behind and keep moving forward. Through God’s love, your life will be repaired and restored. Easter tells you to get ready for a beautiful life that’s waiting just for you. “Easter is meant to be a symbol of hope, renewal, and new life.”…

“If we look at the world with a love of life, the world will reveal its beauty to us.” –Daisaku Ikeda Sometimes life can knock you off track. Receiving an unexpected bill, putting in long hours at work or recovering from an illness can zap your energy and leave you feeling uninspired. When these things…

“ Don’t watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going.” – Sam Levenson There are days when you feel as if the weight of the world is too much. You are worn down and can’t imagine going on to fight another day. On these days, curling up in bed and pulling the covers up…

Today’s Sunday Inspiration: No matter what you’re going through right now, when you hold onto your faith and the promise that hope brings, the pain will end and your heart will be restored once again. “H.O.P.E. Hold on, pain ends.” – Unknown Image Source: Google Images About Alex Blackwell Alex Blackwell is a father, husband…

“Nothing ever goes away until it has taught us what we need to know.” – Pema Chodron There’s an old adage that can change how you live. It goes something like, “people know the truth when they hear it.” This sage advice creates a reliable roadmap that can help you find some of the answers…

“Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.” – Confucius You have probably heard it before, you are your own worst enemy. You are constantly pushing yourself to take care of everybody around you whether it is your spouse, your children, your friends or maybe even your pets.…

Today’s Sunday Inspiration: When the grief over the loss of a loved one feels suffocating, remember to breathe and hold onto the love the person will have always have in your heart. “As long as there is love and memory, there is no true loss.” – Cassandra Clare Image Source: Google Images About Alex Blackwell…

“Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live.” – Norman Cousins One of life’s most important lesson is this: It’s less important how others see you and more important how you see yourself – and you how feel about yourself on the inside. Feeling…

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