My husband wrote a song in which he sings a verse that intrigues me. The verse says, “You become the expression of the power you trust.”

I ask myself, “Who, or what, power do I trust?”

Money, my job, my physical senses, electricity, anger, revenge, peers, seclusion, sleep, a set of rules, dieting, a lifestyle, my own plans, meditation…the list can go on.

I don’t really want to be an expression of any these powers. I want to be Cheryl, the expression of Love, Life, Truth, God. I want to trust God. Then I read in Science and Health, “Material wealth, fame, and social organizations have no authority or influence in the presence of God.”

So, I don’t have to “mistrust” money, my job, my physical senses …but every day realize the trust I have in God and my expression will be, me.

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