Our spiritual journeys can feel like one step forward and two steps back sometimes however quite often the one step forward is a magnanimous leap that adds to our spirituality.

I’m pleasantly amazed to see how non-intrusive answers come to my mind enforcing my conviction there is a Mind greater than my human mind. A few months ago, an image of my cats eating grass during the summer flashed through memory. We’ve had a cold snowy winter and therefore I went to town and bought some oat grass seed along with some potting soil.

After arriving home, the cats and I planted oat seeds and began watching them grow in the house. No eating lessons were required. The cats go to the grass every morning and sometime in the evening and snack on the grass.

I’ve since learned a few theories as to why cats like eating grass.

  • Grass contains folic acid, an essential vitamin for bodily functions that also assists in the production of a protein that moves oxygen in the blood.
  • Because cats are carnivores and clean themselves, thus accumulating quite a build-up of hair in the digestive tract, they will eat the grass to assist in regurgitation thus helping them eliminate indigestible matter making them feel better.
  • Another theory is that grass acts as a natural laxative.

In line with the laws of nature, we don’t yet understand how we eat and live without agriculture. From 21st Century Science and Health, “Scriptures inform us that sin, or error, first caused the condemnation of humankind to till the ground.” But religion can also teach us that, “Scriptures indicate that obedience to [Mind] will remove the necessity to rely on material food, air, or technology.” The key is obedience to God, not trying to get rid of agriculture.

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