The fastest growing “religion” in the West is the trend toward spiritual independence. Spiritually independent people are eager to explore the teachings, texts, and techniques of all religions and refuse to be limited to or labeled by one religion alone.

The religion of Spiritual Independence is trending in the West. Refusing to be pigeon-holed into one religion, spiritual seekers eagerly explore the teachings, texts, and techniques of many religions.

Trends are set by daily decisions that shape the present culture. Some trends are big and involve many people, however, this doesn’t make insignificant those who are small in number.

Why do we make certain decisions such as becoming spiritually independent? Sometimes it’s simply because there aren’t many other options.

Spiritual seekers are seeking inspiration, guidance, and heart. When not found in current religious organizations, the other option is to seek divine Spirit independently.

In the book, Christian Reflections on the Leadership Challenge, by James Kouzes and Barry Posner, a salient point comes to light. Spiritual independence didn’t come about because of the fault of a religious organization, but because of poor leadership.

A religious organization is founded on a religion. Many of us have no problem with religion. We appreciate a group setting. It’s the religious leaders who make decisions to try to homogenize the members, or restrict spirituality to a code or text, that is left behind.

Or, is this trend a sign that the unseen, yet all-present God, speaking to each of us independently, is our true leader?

The blend of spiritual independence and a group setting both have validity. I believe we can find a fine line and walk between the two.

From 21st Century Science and Health, “Complete and infinite Mind ordained, is heaven.”



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