Mom kept our family of 7 fed with homemade meals. She typed out favorite recipes and put them in a green ring-binder notebook. The green binder was imprinted in my memory, whether I knew it or not. Mom died more than a decade ago, and when I recently visited my younger sister, I found the…

The fastest growing “religion” in the West is the trend toward spiritual independence. Spiritually independent people are eager to explore the teachings, texts, and techniques of all religions and refuse to be limited to or labeled by one religion alone. The religion of Spiritual Independence is trending in the West. Refusing to be pigeon-holed into…

Growing up on the family farm, I worked right along with the guys, never thinking much about gender until I was in High School when someone said I was gay. Fairly clueless, I had to ask what gay meant. Getting the definition of homosexual, I thought this prospect through and came to the conclusion that…

I curl up on Cheryl’s lap, glad she has returned home from her trip out west. She showed me pictures of flowers that are in full bloom in Seattle. Then we looked out our window here in upstate New York, at snow on the ground! The difference in weather is so dramatic, one can’t help…

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