I curl up on Cheryl’s lap, glad she has returned home from her trip out west.
She showed me pictures of flowers that are in full bloom in Seattle. Then we looked out our window here in upstate New York, at snow on the ground!
The difference in weather is so dramatic, one can’t help but wonder if what the physical senses immediately see isn’t limited. Is there more to contemplate?
We read in 21st Century Science and Health, “Human beings do not deny the existence of good weather when a hurricane is raging. They know good weather will return. In like manner, it is profitable for human beings to accept the authority and power of divine Science to explain the effect of human mind on the body and establish harmony, though the cause is unseen. The sins of others should not make good people suffer.
“There are many proofs of the illusion of physical sense. For example, when driving on the highway, the paved road ahead sometimes appears to have water on it. The barometer points to fair weather in the midst of murky clouds and drenching rain. What about the body? Physical senses tell us the body is solid, but the body isn’t solid. Cosmic rays, neutrinos, radio and TV waves are zinging through the body as if it is transparent. The examples of illusive, unreliable appearances could go on. Life teaches us to correct what the physical senses, human experiences and imprints claim as fact.”