The local Catskill Mountain Club (CMC) has given the community a couple of shots in the arm over the last year. Club members follow the proper channels, get approval from officials, and with GPS instruments in their hands, hack out trails for the public.
The recent Delhi Trails is close to the Village of Delhi. Opening Day last weekend brought a strong crowd. After a few thanks to pertinent trail blazers, the crowd followed CMC leaders, one going off on an easy hike, and the other headed up the hill for a more strenuous hike.
This is the fourth trail I’ve covered as the local news reporter and each time the crowd gets larger. I cherish the hope that the collective thought is gaining weight on the side of getting out of the house into nature and healthy activity.
From the Bible, I Tim. 4:8, English Standard Version, we read, “For while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.”