From 21st Century Science and Health:
In seeking a cure for digestive and food related problems, don’t consult matter.
Physical particle/waves do not express Spirit. God is infinite omnipresent Spirit. If Spirit is all and is everywhere, what and where is this limited so-called substance? Remember, truth is greater than error and we cannot put the greater into the lesser. Soul is Spirit, and Spirit is greater than body.
This new-born understanding that neither food nor the stomach, without the consent of human mind, can make us suffer, brings with it another lesson, that self-indulgence, gluttony, or bulimia, are sensual illusions and can’t give you satisfaction. This phantasm disappears as we better understand our spiritual existence and walk the line of a balanced life.
Food affects the body only as fleshly mind has its material methods of working. One method is to believe that proper food supplies nutriment and strength to the human system. Another method is to believe we have no self-control. The human mind’s recipe for health never gets it right, whereas Truth regenerates this fleshly mind and feeds thought with the bread of Life.
Food has less power to help or to hurt us after our thought has transformed to the spiritual. Without the consent of human mind, food and the stomach can’t make you suffer. It is a human deception to believe you have to eat if you feel hungry. It is another deception to believe purging food will help you stay thin.
As the crude footprints of the past disappear from the dissolving paths of the present, we shall better understand the Science which governs these changes, and stand on firmer ground. Every sensuous pleasure or pain is self-destroyed through suffering. There can be painless progress, attended by life and peace instead of disorder and death.