Most of us like a little adventure. I consider my spiritual journey an adventure. The thing about adventures are that they come with risks and unknowns. It’s curiosity that cheers us through an adventure. But that curiosity can turn to fear if we aren’t patient.

My neighbor has an indoor cat. He wanted to take the cat outside to enjoy the warmer weather however the cat was seriously afraid. This morning, my neighbor told me, “I left the door open instead, and Mustafa (the cat) ventured out on his own. He’d come back in after a few minutes of looking around, then venture back outside, going further out on the porch and staying longer each time. In and out, Mustafa pushed the boundaries each time.

When curious to explore our spirituality, we push boundaries. If we get scared, don’t quit or hide, but go at the exploration a little more cautiously. Here are a few activities you can do to strengthen your adventure:

  • Write down all the good you observe.
  • Describe what new thoughts you feel when you see something new.
  • After returning to your comfort zone, don’t get too comfortable, venture back out again.
  • Realize that the adventure of life is ongoing. There is no boundary, therefore you can continually grow in spirituality.
  • 2012 walking toward camera


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