The element of time is being re-organized, not by anything physical, but by putting useful thoughts in key places and letting them call the shots and initiate betterment. Relationships between our thoughts and the physical are seen every day. An improved physical condition can improve our attitude. We can even take matters into our own…

In its 150-year history, “Christian Science” managed to shoot to fame and get lost in outer space. The line between what religion and legend have to say are worth looking at. Religion: Born in 1821, the woman who was to become Mary Baker Eddy, the leader of Christian Science, had the faith that God could…

With American politics stirring the emotions and loyalties, I can’t help but think about a study that shows people are twice as likely to look for information that confirms their beliefs rather than consider contradicting evidence. This tendency has been dubbed, confirmation bias. We stay pretty close to our opinions, especially when they are familiar…

Picture in your mind, a confronted dog positioned to pounce. Growling. Back fur standing straight up. And you see me, years ago when it came to the subject of larger pets inside the house. When raising children, I barked my house rule, “Pets belong outdoors.” Then, the indescribable occurred. I experienced a total inner make-over.…

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