Everyday Spirituality

Excerpt from Modern Christian Science Bible Lesson John 5: 1-9, 16-30 (NIV) Jesus went up to Jerusalem for one of the Jewish festivals. 2 Now there is in Jerusalem near the Sheep Gate a pool, which in Aramaic is called Bethesda and which is surrounded by five covered colonnades. 3 Here a great number of disabled people…

The human body is riveting, intricate, and sophisticated. It also is vulnerable and can be twisted, therefore I can’t help but ponder its origin. I think the origin of the physical body is the human mind, not God. In the first chapter of the book of Genesis in the Bible, we read about a God…

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I hope your day is blessed. Thank you for nurturing innocence and integrity. Thank you for comforting the hurting. Thank you for hugging your inner self. Happy Mother’s Day.  

Our spring may be slow in coming this year in upstate New York. The trees haven’t even leafed out yet. Once the snow was gone, I picked up litter. Plenty of it, sad to say. The bags get so heavy that I leave them alongside the road. Before I can get the pickup truck to…

Airplanes carry us around the world into yesterday or tomorrow. These experiences tweak my perceptions. I see my mind traveling to yesterday or tomorrow. Probably too often. I’d like to think I live in the now, but the infinite Mind doesn’t know “now” as I know it, with a past and future. The “now” to…

The film, Happy, tells about the latest discoveries that happy people believe in something greater than themselves. I have to agree because believing that what I see and hear is reality only brings a happiness that comes and goes. Thirty years ago, finding fault with other people and organizations made me happy. Today, finding fault…

Is it the younger generation, or people with a greater awareness? The trend to recycle, reuse, and reduce is becoming more and more apparent to me. At a Whole Foods store, I noticed a customer bring in empty containers and wait in the cashier line. When it was her turn, the cashier weighed all the…

The snow is finally melting in upstate New York. I can only imagine how glorious the animals feel after enduring the cold winter. Full of delight. I recently met an advocate for Rosemary Horse Sanctuary nearby. The owner saw a need and met it, providing a home to horses no longer neglected. The goodness of…

From 21st Century Science and Health: The carnal human mentality, misnamed mind, is mortal. In his resurrection and ascension, Jesus showed that a mortal creature is not our real essence. If it were not for the indissoluble immortal connection between God and spiritual identity, people would be annihilated. In divine Science, mortality disappears in the…

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