Everyday Spirituality

What would our world be like if all the advertisements for cell-phones, perfumes, cold cereals, cars, shampoos, cold medicines, insurance coverage, and teeth whiteners were replaced with advertisements for honesty, moral courage, gratitude, awareness, wisdom, integrity, and creativity?  

Traveling on a plane from the east coast to the west, we riders sat shoulder to shoulder, like eggs in a box. We faced, and overcame challenges so as to co-exist. The strength of our co-existence came about due to a shared goal—to get to the west coast. Determined to get west, we applied deodorant,…

Scientists don’t fully understand the operations of genes. They have however discovered that RNA molecules can turn on/off in response to environmental factors such as stress or nutrition. RNA molecules are like switches and play a critical role in how and to what extent genes are used in the body. Maybe one day, the ability…

Feed My Sheep, by Mary Baker Eddy Shepherd, show me how to go O’er the hillside steep, How to gather, how to sow,– How to feed Thy sheep; I will listen for Thy voice, Lest my footsteps stray; I will follow and rejoice All the rugged way. Thou wilt bind the stubborn will, Wound the…

Peace Pilgrim wrote in Her Life and Work in Her Own Words: “Those who wish to choose peace must act meaningfully for peace. And become a part of the stirring and awakening which has begun and is accelerating.” The subject of peace requires ongoing modification. True peace isn’t human beings getting along, but is love…

With the growing body of evidence that life existed before human beings, we can admit that even if human beings annihilated one another, life would go on. With my practice of identifying life with God, rather than functioning bodies and human minds, I catch a glimpse of that which gives us purpose. It is our…

Wording to the American Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag has been altered since its inception in 1892. Socialist minister, Francis Bellamy (1855-1931) originally published a shorter version in The Youth’s Companion. In 1923, the words, “the Flag of the United States of America” were added. In 1954, in response to the Communist threat of…

A powerful concept I’ve pondered is the oneness of cause and effect. Divine Science is embedded in a unified cause and effect. Interestingly, the effectiveness of knowing cause and effect as one and the same, offers me more balance in life. On the other hand, every time I attempt to divide cause and effect, I…

When aiming for a healing goal, the key clicks when the power of Truth is recognized as the source of healing. Too often, our human minds get tricked into thinking the source of healing is a thing, person, or time. Maybe because it’s easier for the human mind to believe in a thing, person, or…

My introduction to Science and Health happened while I was working in New Zealand as a research scientist. I met an amazing person, a woman in her 80’s, a well-known artist; a national treasure. She was loving and strong, exuding health and well-being. I wanted to learn how she approached life, because it was obviously…

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