I can confirm that Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani is alive today, his 35th birthday. He remains illegally imprisoned in Iran, now incarcerated for two-and-a-half years. He is being held against international law, and has been condemned to death for one reason – his Christian faith. As you know, we have been involved in working to secure his freedom…

President Obama is doing everything in his power to change America. He wants to re-shape this country. The fact is we have a president who is engaged in a radical assault on our values. We have a president forcing Americans to purchase pro-abortion health insurance under penalty of law. A president who ignores the Founder’s…

As we celebrate the resurrection of Christ – a season of life – a season of hope – I want to thank all of you for your prayers and support for our work in this country and around the globe. At a time when there is so much turmoil and growing challenges to our faith…

There’s no question about it. President Obama’s warning to the Supreme Court about ObamaCare has accomplished one thing. He has assured that the Supreme Court will be front-and-center in the upcoming presidential campaign. It will be a campaign issue. A political issue. The president’s chastisement of the Justices is extraordinary. Going well beyond expressing his…

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