The campaign to discredit Christian Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani is in high gear in Iran, where he faces the death penalty for refusing to recant his Christian beliefs.

Now, there are reports being circulated by Iranian state-funded Press TV that are disturbing.

 The state-controlled media outlet now claims that Pastor Youcef does not face charges of apostasy, but instead, is guilty of other crimes of what the Iranian government calls are of a security nature.

The fact is that we have obtained documentation that reveals apostasy is still the only charge facing Pastor Youcef. And now – growing concern that the Iranian government is doing all that it can to justify the death sentence facing Pastor Youcef.

Our legal and legislative teams are working non-stop on this critical case. And, now more than ever, it’s important to expose this campaign of falsehoods orchestrated by the Iranian government.

The case of Pastor Youcef is generating global attention. And, we are closing in on 100,000 names from Americans who are demanding the release of Pastor Youcef. If you haven’t added your name to our petition to free Pastor Youcef, please take a moment and add your name here.

Please continue to pray for the release of Pastor Youcef. Your voice and prayers are critically important. For the very latest on this case, visit our website regularly.

We will keep you posted as developments continue to unfold.

Jay Sekulow

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