Here’s today’s dispatch from the crossroads of faith, media and culture.

The home stretch. We’re heading into the last week of the presidential election and, if you’re an undecided Catholic  voter (or maybe even a decided one), the  Confraternity of Catholic Clergy has an app for you.  The non-partisan Catholic Voting Guide was developed is available for iOS, Android and Windows mobile devices was developed as “to help anyone cast a responsible vote in any election using a well-formed conscience based on Catholic moral principles.”  The App focuses on six vital issues of importance to the Church (and, frankly, many others regardless of religious affiliation), including matters pertaining to the Right to Life, Religious Liberty,  Marriage, Private Property, Access to Essential Goods, and War & Peace.

More here:

If the whole app thing is too high-techy for you, you might want to checkout Indivisible. The book, co-written Jay Richards (a Catholic) and James Robison (an Evangelical Christian), covers much of the same ground but is, perhaps, less focused on the upcoming election and more toward utilizing Christian principles to restore the American culture and economy.  A special Catholic edition of the book is available from Ignatius Press with a foreword by Ignatius Founder and Editor Fr. Joseph Fessio, S.J.

Those who order INDIVISIBLE directly from Ignatius Press also will receive a free bonus CD – Voting Guidelines for Catholics. On the CD, bestselling author, speaker and Catholic radio host Dave Durand concisely presents the guidelines produced by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) to advise Catholics in voting.

Happy (and informed) voting everyone!

Encourage one another and build each other up – 1 Thessalonians 5:11

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