Here’s today’s dispatch from the crossroads of faith, media and culture.

Finding Jesus: Faith, Fact and Forgery premieres tonight (3/1) on CNN @ 9:00 PM (ET)

Mini-Review: Tonight’s premiere of the six-part CNN original series looks at the investigations into the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin, believed by many to the burial cloth of Jesus Christ.  The documentary is absolutely fascinating and, to me, comes across as a fair presentation of the known facts.

Tonight’s program utilizes the perspectives of several theological experts and commentators, including Professor Mark Goodacre, a New Testament historian at Duke University’s Department of Religion. I had the opportunity to ask him if he believed the Shroud to actually be Jesus’ burial cloth. He told me that he counts himself in the “skeptics’ camp.” He says he wishes it was because “I’m one of these people who would absolutely love to have more evidence about the historical Jesus, not less. But I think it’s highly likely to be a Medieval forgery.”

I have to say I’m more in agreement with Jesuit priest Father James Martin (author of Jesus: A Pilgrimage) who says on the program that is “gut feeling” is that the Shroud is what believers say it is. True, I want to believe that. But, as the documentary shows, there is quite a bit of objective evidence that can reasonably lead to that conclusion. Of course, you can decide what you think and believe for yourself.

Coming episodes of Finding Jesus will explore other historical mysteries about His life on Earth. I haven’t seen those but tonight’s edition is Highly Recommended.

The Drop Box is a three-night only theatrical event beginning Tuesday (3/3).

The Drop Box opens. The Drop Box tells the true story of Lee Jong-Rak, a South Korean pastor who took it upon himself to rescue babies who would otherwise be abandoned on the streets. I regret that scheduling conflicts kept me from previewing this film but everything I know about it tells me that it’s Well-Worth Seeing. For more information about The Drop Box, including where you can see it click here.

Little Boy opens in theaters on Friday, April 24th.

Looking ahead. It’s too early to post a review of this but I’ve seen and, suffice it to say, it’s worth looking forward to.

Encourage one another and build each other up – 1 Thessalonians 5:11

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