Here’s the latest from the crossroads of faith, media & culture: 11/09/20

Does this really qualify as a spoof? Alas, there’s little difference between SNL and the actual CNN. Meanwhile, faith leaders are taking sides in how things have shaken out since Election Day. Evangelical leader Jeff Myers says it would be “bad citizenship” not to submit the results to a legitimate court challenges.  The New York State Catholic Conference has issued a statement saying “We congratulate President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris and we wish them well. Let us pray for unity in our nation. We pray also that the United States be a beacon for immigrants and refugees, an ally of the poor and vulnerable, a defender of religious liberty, and a protector of all human life from conception to natural death.” And The New Moral Majority, an all-volunteer Christian organization that says it’s focused upon reclaiming the moral narrative in America says “People of faith changed the landscape of the 2020 election, lifting their voices in record numbers to denounce the politics of division and hate, and support the kind and moral leadership of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. With their help, Biden secured the support of the most diverse coalition of religious voters ever, including massive support from African American faith communities, as well as Mainline Protestants, Catholics, Muslim, and Jewish voters. In one of the most significant shifts, Biden even made inroads into the white Evangelical voting bloc, earning 23% of their support, a gain of 7% from the 2016 election. The share of single issue conservative evangelical voters is shrinking, while an increasingly diverse coalition of voters of faith is on the rise.”
IMHO: Joe Biden may well be the next president of the United States and, if that’s the case, the opposition would be well-advised to accept the outcome and to look forward to the next election rather than going down the destructive rabbit hole of constantly finding ways to oust him.  However, there are actually legitimate questions about who voted and when, not to mention about voting machines that reportedly flipped a significant chunk of votes from Trump to Biden. It’s hard to imagine that, if the situation were reversed, Democrats and the globalist media cheering squad wouldn’t be insisting on patients until the matters were settled in court. BTW, for a glimpse at how the Cable News Network became the Cable Narrative Network, check out Slanted: How the News Media Taught Us to Love Censorship and Hate Journalism (Harper) by former CNN and CBS investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson. I worked at CNN in the nineties and it’s heartbreaking to see how far its standards of journalism have fallen. For Kyle Smith’s review of the book click here.  


And the answer is Alex Trebek. What is a class act? Sadly, the beloved Jeopardy! host succumbed to pancreatic cancer over the weekend at the age 80. For 37 seasons he set the tone for a daily half-hour television oasis that was smart, witty and free of toxic political virtue signaling. He will surely be well remembered and missed.

Encourage one another and build each other up – 1 Thessalonians 5:11
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