Here’s the latest from the crossroads of faith, media & culture: 05/17/23

It’s not often Fox News and CNN agree on something. Yet both networks’ websites recently ran in-depth stories about the impact faith entertainment is having today. Is faith-friendly entertainment finally getting the respect it deserves? I asked Pure Flix Chief Content Officer Linda Blazy.

JWK: Why do you think more people are taking notice of faith-themed entertainment?

Linda Blazy: You know, this is a great question. In the last few months we have seen such a huge interest in faith-based content. Let’s talk about Jesus Revolution. It did fifty-plus million (at the box office). The Chosen Season 4 is filming and everyone can’t wait to see it – and then His Only Son came in. So, what we’ve seen is that people are seeking out faith content more than ever.

What we know is it’s much like if you go see a movie that you like you’ll want to go see another one similar to it. Also, there’s been a revival that’s going on and it was covered everywhere. It kind of started at Asbury (University in Kentucky). What we’re seeing is that people of all ages want to either connect to faith for the first time or they they’re reconnecting to their faith and getting a deeper faith.

You know what they really love? Doing it with others. Our faith-based people are a community. I see this all the time when we do red carpet events. I was in Dallas for Karen Kingsbury’s A Thousand Tomorrows. People who were strangers (when they went to see the movie) aren’t strangers anymore. (They) became friends. I was here in 2014 when we did God’s Not Dead and now we’re seeing it again with Jesus Revolution, The Chosen (and) His Only Son. People want to connect. Does that make sense?

JWK: Yeah, it does. Do you think that state of the world has anything to do with it? That, maybe, Covid and other issues caused people to feel a little out of control?

LB: You know what’s interesting is that when Covid happened people actually couldn’t go to church but they found church online. What was really exciting to me was we found two different groups of people (logging on). We had the regular churchgoer but (also) the younger audience. The Millennials, who have always got their phone on, found church online. So, in these last three years we actually have seen a greater interest (by) people wanting to learn more about (faith). People were fearful. If you turn on the news, one might be fearful. So, people were looking for places to have hope and inspiration and that’s exactly what we’re seeing. Faith content (is a means) where they can both talk with each other (and) have hope and inspiration.

JWK: Is there a difference between preaching and lecturing people about faith and inspiring them about it? Do people maybe respond better to being inspired than being lectured to?

LB: You know, here’s what I would say. If someone told me I had to do anything I’d probably resist. What I believe is we’re storytellers. Jesus was the first storyteller. We can take stories and illuminate themes and then people can take it in and they can process (that). So, we’re never gonna try to preach at you. You know what we’re gonna wanna do? Show you some fantastic stories that…will get you to want to talk. As I ask you, think about it, if somebody told you you had to do anything, how would you feel, John?

JWK: There’s a natural tendency to want to resist.

LB: Exactly! So, at Pure Flix we don’t seek to do that at all. We’re gonna give you these stories that are gonna take you to emotional highs and get you to think. We have these amazing themes all the time that we’re doing. I’ll give you some of these. It’s redemption , love, healing, forgiveness, servant leadership, relationships – father/son or mother/daughter – sacrifice, hope, faith, adversity, trust in God. Think about what we’ve all gone through in the last three years, right? These are themes that we can put to storytelling. Rather than preaching at you we show you a story and that story will touch each of you individually. Does that make sense?

JWK: It does seem to me that faith-themed film have, to their credit, become less overtly preachy and more hopeful and inspiring while, conversely, to some degree what we call “mainstream” movies have, in their own way, have become very preachy while tending to focus on dystopian views of the world and of the future. I think that may have something to do with why faith-themed films are gaining in popularity. People may prefer hope to dystopia. 

LB: I can’t speak for that. What I can tell you is we recently ran focus groups. I want to read you some of the comments. This is what people said: “I want stories that will help me handle my conflict.” “I want to be touched in my heart.” “I want to feel a little lighter.” “I want real stories.” “I want stories that align with my faith values.” “I’d love it to be based on a true story.” “I’d like it to be wholesome.”…These are the exact words (from) when we ran focus groups back at the end of March. Of course it made me excited to hear them because that’s exactly what we’re trying to put in our storytelling.

JWK: You’re the chief content officer of Pure Flix. What exactly does that mean? What do you do?

LB: As chief content officer I get to work with all kinds of people – whether you’re a producer, director or a writer. I’m involved in both the content we license and I’m directly involved with the content that we will create. What that also means is I get a chance to look at scripts and kinda see how does that work against the themes that we want? I also get to look at finished product as it’s coming along – to say, you know, “I think if we made this change here this might really work with our members.”

JWK: What kind of things are you looking for right now?

LB: We look across multiple genres. There are three key verticals I tell people all the time that really work for us…One of them is overcoming obstacles that I made. Let’s assume I made a bad decision. Could have been a bad decision today. I didn’t show up on time and then I have to deal with those consequences, okay? So, people love seeing overcoming obstacles where someone has made a bad decision.

The next category is overcoming obstacles that were out of (the characters’) control. Think about it. It could be death, loss (of a) job, you name it. People want to see how they are able to cope with it (and) find a hopeful outcome. Of course, the stories are going to point you to Christ. (Also) people want to see “based on a true story” because they love that and they want to see (real) people succeed.

Third, are biblical dramas. Of course, look at The Chosen that’s out there – and we played The Chosen…So, these are the three key verticals. Within those, of course, we would love to have a faith romance in there. We want something for everyone.

The other thing I would tell you is people come to us for Veggie Tales. We’re the number-one place for Veggie Tales. We put a new one on every month and our members are thrilled!

JWK: So, you also offer programming for children as well as adults?

LB: We have been doing children’s programming forever but (as of) last May – I’m very proud to say it’s been about a year – we actually have three platforms within (Pure Flix). We have the Pure Flix platform but we then have a kids platform that’s for ages 1 to 7 – and then we have a second kids platform (for kids 8 to 13). So, we made it even easier for parents who rely on us. One of the things the focus group said is “I come here because of your kids (platforms) and I know it’s safe.” So, we actually have those two (kids) platforms…We hear from the parents all the time “Thank you Pure Flix for adding new content and having content I want to show my children.” 

JWK: You have said that in the faith film industry “We collaborate. We don’t believe in competing. We believe in just working together in an effort to go out there and spread the word. 

LB: Right.

JWK: I mean there must be some kind of competition in a way, right? 

LB: No.

JWK: No? 

LB: No. That is a perfect question. As a believer, I will tell you that I think God’s going to supply all the riches and needs that we will ever have. We are thrilled to see other people in this space. You know why? It raises awareness of faith content. Therefore, if someone goes gets their faith content one place – and here – and there – it’s great!. We stand on a brand promise that we will be…a place of discovery. I’m excited to say we’re probably going to make 24 originals in the next year. We get very excited to see other people in this because we’re raising awareness overall.

JWK: As we wrap-up, are there any particular projects coming up that you’d like to talk about and make people to be aware of?

LB: I would love to! Thank you for asking that question! We’re in the midst right now of finishing up scripting of medical EMT series. Revolution Road (is an End Time TV series based on the film franchise). It’s coming in July. We have a faith drama that’s coming that’s gonna show healing where there was loss. We have a wonderful new movie called God’s Country Song. It’s gonna be a must see. It has original music. The director got an orchestra!

We have Divine Influencer. This  is so relevant in today’s world. This a movie where we meet someone who thinks that everything is about influence – except she loses it all. Through this movie she will find what her God-given purpose is.  We have a wonderful faith romance called Engagement Plan. We have a new series coming early in January called Destination Heaven (where characters) encounter God and see how (their lives change). Do you see the different genres we’re making? But it’s the quality of the film we’re making and the quality of the story (that counts).

JWK: Well, you certainly are enthusiastic about what you do. It was great talking with you.

LB: Please, it is such an honor to talk to you…You know it’s amazing. This isn’t a job. To be able to go and look for content that we can deliver for our members that they can experience is the greatest one I’ve ever had in my life! That’s why I do what I do.

John W. Kennedy is a writer, producer and media development consultant specializing in television and movie projects that uphold positive timeless values, including trust in God.

Encourage one another and build each other up – 1 Thessalonians 5:11

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