Here’s the latest from the crossroads of faith, media & culture: 07/10/24

New York Mets legend Keith Hernandez calls foul on LFGM. As reported by The New York Post (and heard above) the current SNY commentator is not a fan of the implied profane addition to the traditional “Let’s Go Mets” fan chant. Hernandez  says he’s had fans ask him to add “LFGM” to his autograph and has refused to do so, calling the initialism “Very, very grotesque.”

IMHO: Bravo, Keith! The “F” word is perfect for releasing steam after you hit your thumb with a hammer but it does not belong in the in public arena.

I know I’m a bit of a prude in this regard but I wince when I hear TV pundits and politicians drop F bombs into their commentary because they think it shows righteous outrage or whatever. I don’t like when late night comedians use to prove their edginess. I also don’t like its gratuitous use in movies or TV shows. It’s not that I’m going to melt at the mention of the word, it’s it’s really inconducive to good communication. To use it in any sort of political discussion or debate displays a lack of self control and respect for your audience. To use it in comedy or in scripts is usually (there are exceptions) just plain lazy. When it comes to social media, I’m all for free speech regarding controversial opinions but I have no problem with site managers censoring certain words that drag down the level of civil discourse over those issues. Showing restraint regarding the F word is actually a step back toward civility. AND IF YOU DON’T AGREE WITH ME… Just kidding.

Hip Hop hooray! Along the same lines of my above thoughts, I have to applaud Boost Radio and Christian Hip Hop artist Torey D’Shaun for launching their Anti-Diss Track Contest. Musicians who wish to participate in the contest can submit their music on the Boost Radio website between now and July 28th. The best tracks will be aired on Boost’s network of radio stations and free mobile app throughout the month. D’Shaun will announce the grand prize winner via Boost Radio on Wednesday, August 7th. The lucky winner will be featured on the remix of D’Shaun’s latest single Oowee. The aim of the contest is to shine a light on musicians who celebrate positivity.

Boost Radio Program Director Mike Couchman says “Hip Hop has always had the power to inspire and boost the culture. The recent beef between Drake and Kendrick Lamar is a perfect reminder of why it’s important to champion positivity.”

D’Shaun, who is known for creating music that challenges negative messaging says “God called me to use my skills for good, to build people up. If you feel the same, I need to know how hard you can go while you show love.”

John W. Kennedy is a writer, producer and media development consultant specializing in television and movie projects that uphold positive timeless values, including trust in God.

Encourage one another and build each other up – 1 Thessalonians 5:11

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