Here’s the latest from the crossroads of faith, media & culture: 03/14/25

Singing for His Supper. With an astounding 21 number-one radio singles, 30 top-ten hits (the most of any Christian artist) and over 7 billion streams Chris Tomlin has been hailed by Time Magazine as the “most often sung artist in the world.” Now the multi-award-winning music star is taking on an executive producing role and providing an original song for the new biblical movie The Last Supper (arriving in theaters today). Our conversation follow the trailer below.

JWK: So, what brought you aboard this movie as an executive producer?

Chris Tomlin: Yeah, it’s crazy to walk into a movie. This is my first time to ever do anything like this…Obviously, my life is music. It started with a conversation. (The producers reached out and said) “Hey, it would be great to have a song of yours in the movie. Do you think it would work? Do you have any music?” I’m like “Yeah!” They said “Can we show you the film and what we’re doing?” I said “That would be amazing!” I got to watch a free early screening of the movie. Instantly, I was moved by how beautiful it was.

First of all, it was really, really well done – excellent in all the ways. We all know the story. I thought it was powerful. It really brought the Bible to life in such an accurate way, in such a grounded way. I thought this is amazing! So, we started talking about if there was a way (for me) to get more involved in this? I just wanted to help in any way I could to get the word out, to let people know about this movie.

So, we connected in that way. It just took on a bigger role than just music – but it started with music. There were saying “Do you have a song that could fit with this?” I thought, well, I had just written a song earlier in the year,just a couple of months ago. I said “I got a demo of the song. No one’s heard it. I’d love to play it for you.” I played the song. It’s called No Greater Love and all of them on the team were instantly like “This IS the song! This is THE song for the movie!”

CT: It was crazy. It was one of those moments where if you watched the movie and heard the song you would think that I just watched the movie and wrote the song because it worked so perfectly well. I had written the song long before I knew anything about or had seen the movie. So, it was just one of those moments where you feel like “Okay, God‘s putting this thing together.” I’m so honored to bring this movie to the people. 

JWK: Sometimes it does seem like God at work, right?

CT: Yes.  It’s amazing to watch that. That’s where you want to be in life, for sure.

JWK: You mentioned the biblical accuracy. Sometimes filmmakers take on these biblical stories and they forget their primary audience – who are believers. The most notorious case is probably Darren Aronofsky’s Noah which looked more like it was something out of the Marvel Universe than the Bible. Is biblical accuracy important to you?

CT: Absolutely. Thanks for asking that. That was the reason I felt really comfortable putting my name to this – because I’ve spent my whole life trying to do that with my songs. I’ve always felt it very important. I take great responsibility when I write songs of worship – songs that a church would sing – that’s it’s accurate, that it’s something that is biblically strong. That’s what I want to try to do with my songs. So, when I saw this film it immediately struck me how incredibly biblically strong, accurate and correct it is. Then I talked to the producer, Michael Scott. He said “Yes, we had theologians and pastors involved in making sure that we were staying right to the text. I think that’s awesome because, like you said, you might think it’s Hollywood and what’s this gonna be? Well, I can tell you, this isn’t Hollywood. These people have a real heart for God. It is as much a ministry as it is a movie. I think people’s hearts will be touched. You don’t need to add anything to this story. This is the most powerful story ever told. I think they’ve done a great job.

JWK: Can you tell me something about your own faith journey?

CT: Yeah. I’m from a small town in Texas. Going to church, God got a hold of my life when I was young. I can remember I was about 13 or 14 years old being really move by the Spirit of God. I really didn’t know what that was. I couldn’t articulate that at that point but I remember just being so moved (that) I ran out in this field and knelt at this tree. I said “God, whatever You want for the rest of my life, I want to follow You.” I didn’t really know what that would be. I didn’t pray “I want to be a singer. I want to be a songwriter. I want to be a traveling musician.” That wasn’t in the cards for me. I didn’t have any idea that that would be my life. I just wanted to be available to God. That’s what I prayed. I would never have dreamed of the journey that God brought me on – but it started as a  young kid.

JWK: Are you a film buff?

CT: I mean I love movies. I do, I think, like a lot of people.

JWK: Are there movies that have inspired you?

CT: Oh, goodness, yes. I’m always inspired. There are so many inspiring movies that I can think of. I’ll tell one of my favorites. This is the most crazy one. If I gave you a million guesses you wouldn’t guess it. The movie Seabiscuit is about a horse. That one knocked me out. I had read the book and I was so moved (by the movie). I love the underdog story. I love underdog stories and that was probably one of my favorite movies I’ve ever seen.

JWK: Why that movie particularly?

CT: That movie was special because it was a broken-down horse, a broken-down trainer, a broken-down owner. Everybody comes together for this moment in time that was incredible and it inspired a nation and all kinds of things. It was the most unlikely of stories.

JWK: And it’s true too, right?

CT: Yeah. I love true stories. Anytime it says “based on a true story” I’m like “Okay, I’m in.” So, when you’re talking about this film – The Last Supper – there’s no truer story than this. This is as true as it gets. So, to be a part of telling this story in such a powerful way, I’m very grateful.

JWK: What do you see as the message of The Last Supper?

CT: The message of The Last Supper is actually on the marketing. It’s one simple line if you look at the movie poster. It says “All are welcome at the table.” That’s the message. All are welcome. You don’t have to have it all together. These disciples, these friends of Jesus, they were not these perfect guys that sometimes we think they might have been…These guys did not have it all together. While Jesus stood and said “I’m giving My life for you and this is why I’ve come” He knew that he was talking to people that would betray Him (and) that would deny him. Yet, He still said “This is for you. This is for your forgiveness. This is the Love of God.” I pray that people see that. I’ve been a Christian most of my life. I’ve been following Jesus most of my life. When I watched this movie I was moved once again. My heart was stirred once again at the realization that all are welcome at this table. This table’s for everybody. What Jesus did is for the forgiveness of the world. I’m so moved by that.

JWK: Is there any more film work ahead for you? Any more producing? Could we see you as an actor one day?

CT: I don’t think so, man. That would be hilarious…but who knows what’s down the road.

JWK: What’s next after this?

CT: I’m making a new record. I’m working on a new song. I’m kind of getting back to my day job.

JWK: Have you ever been in a church when you hear them singing your song?

CT: Oh, yeah. That never gets old to me. It’s the privilege of my life to sing these songs for people. So, when I hear these songs being sung in a church it means the world to me…because it’s somebody else who chose one one of my songs to lead in the worship. That’s always powerful to me. It encourages, inspires and drives me to keep helping people connect with God in that way.

JWK: Have you been in a church anonymously when you’ve heard your songs being sung?

CT: Oh, yeah. I’ve done that from time to time. I love that.

Casting Notes…Simeon Faith has announced that Omar Epps, Wiz Khalifa, Quavo and Chukwudi Iwuji will star in Moses the Black, a gangland drama set in modern-day Chicago written and directed by Yelena Popovic (Man of God). The film is inspired by the transformation of St. Moses the Black, a fifth-century saint who abandoned a life of crime and violence to become a powerful symbol of redemption and grace…Lionsgate and Kingdom Story Company has locked in Arielle Kebbel, Joshua Bassett, Sophia Skelton and Sammy Dell to star alongside Milo Ventimiglia and returning cast members John Finley, Trace Adkins and Dennis Quaid in I Can Only Imagine 2, the highly anticipated sequel to the 2018 breakout box office hit I Can Only Imagine. The movie, which continues the inspirational true story of singer-songwriter Bart Millard, begins production in Nashville next month.

“I tell you, you can pray for anything, and if you believe that you’ve received it, it will be yours.” – Mark 11:24Christian journalist, scientist, podcaster, film producer and friend of this blog Dr. Michael  Guillén is planning a movie version of his bestselling book Believing is Seeing: A Physicist Explains How Science Shattered His Atheism and Revealed the Necessity of Faith.

John W. Kennedy is a writer, producer and media development consultant specializing in television and movie projects that uphold positive timeless values, including trust in God.

Encourage one another and build each other up – 1 Thessalonians 5:11

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