Here’s the latest from the crossroads of faith, media & culture: 11/09/20 Does this really qualify as a spoof? Alas, there’s little difference between SNL and the actual CNN. Meanwhile, faith leaders are taking sides in how things have shaken out since Election Day. Evangelical leader Jeff Myers says it would be “bad citizenship”…

Here’s the latest from the crossroads of faith and media: 10/26/20 As USA Today reports, the documentary film Francesco (which just debuted at the Rome Film Festival) is bound to be remembered as the occasion in which Pope Francis appeared put the Catholic Church on the side of civil unions for gay people. While that…

Here’s the latest from the crossroads of faith and media: 10/02/20 Because Logic Matters. Even as most of us wish President Trump, his wife, everyone in their orbit and, indeed, everyone dealing with COVID-19 the very best outcomes, the Trump Administration remains dogged both by its handling of the virus (with some legitimacy – at…

Here’s the latest from the crossroads of faith and media: 9/30/20 IMHO: Here’s how they did. And by “they” I, of course, mean President Trump, former Vice President Biden and moderator Chris Wallace at last night’s presidential brawl. I mean debate. No, I actually mean brawl. Donald Trump: His belligerent rhetoric continues to undermine his…

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