Here’s the latest from the crossroads of faith and media:   The torch is passed. Maya Rockeymore Cummings is challenging incumbent Kweisi Mfume for the Baltimore congressional seat that was held by her late husband civil rights icon Elijah Cummings from 1996 until his death last October. I just had the opportunity to put forth…

Here’s the latest from the crossroads of faith and media: This pandemic is providing all of us with some cosmic lessons about what’s really important. Here are three well-known guys of notable accomplishment sharing their experiences and insights. 1. Fox News anchor Ed Henry writes about the experience of donating part of his live to…

Here’s the latest from the crossroads of faith and media: Help for the greatest American heroes. John Tesh, Connie Sellecca and Gib Gerard, the hosts of the popular nationally-syndicated radio shows Intelligence for Your Life and Intelligence for Your Health, will broadcast a live 6-hour Facebook fundraiser to benefit the nation’s healthcare workers. The event…

Here’s the latest from the crossroads of faith and media: A dozen thoughts from America’s COVID-19 capital, New York State. Thought 1. I like everyone hope and pray this thing ends quickly with as little death and suffering as possible. Thought 2. I think our Republican president and our Democratic governor are doing their best…

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