Here’s the latest from the crossroads of faith and media: A ride through the real life of foster care and adoption. As National Foster Care Awareness Month draws to a close, the Sheen Center for Thought and Culture and the National Review Institute are presenting a virtual conversation with foster care/adoption advocates, including John Buultjens, an adoption…

Here’s the latest from the crossroads of faith and media: This pandemic is providing all of us with some cosmic lessons about what’s really important. Here are three well-known guys of notable accomplishment sharing their experiences and insights. 1. Fox News anchor Ed Henry writes about the experience of donating part of his live to…

Here’s the latest from the crossroads of faith and media: Help for the greatest American heroes. John Tesh, Connie Sellecca and Gib Gerard, the hosts of the popular nationally-syndicated radio shows Intelligence for Your Life and Intelligence for Your Health, will broadcast a live 6-hour Facebook fundraiser to benefit the nation’s healthcare workers. The event…

Here’s the latest from the crossroads of faith and media: Mass appeal. FOX News Channel (FNC) will present extensive live programming on Easter Sunday entitled, “America Together: Keeping the Faith,” in celebration of the religious holy week on Sunday, April 12, as the nation grapples with the coronavirus pandemic. Coverage across the channel will encompass…

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