Here’s the latest from the crossroads of faith, media & culture: 08/29/22 A big week for Kathie Lee Gifford. The four-time Emmy winner, screenwriter and bestselling author’s latest book The God of the Way (W Publishing) releases tomorrow (8/30) and her film The Way  debuts as a Fathom Event in theaters on Thursday (9/1). Our…

Here’s the latest from the crossroads of faith, media & culture: 08/01/22 Filipino families are funny. Take my word for it. I married into one. I’m not saying they’re any crazier than Irish families (certainly not mine) but they’re as quirky as the rest of us. Throw in the influence of the Catholic Church and…

Here’s the latest from the crossroads of faith, media & culture: 04/13/22 Passion project. Based on a true story, Father Stu starring Mark Wahlberg arrives in theaters today. The film is definitely close to the heart of the actor who gained 30 pounds for the role and sees it as his transition into more purposeful…

Here’s the latest from the crossroads of faith, media & culture: 06/23/21 Curtis vs. Goliath. Pundits suggest it may take a miracle for the famed Guardian Angel Curtis Sliwa to defeat the New York City’s giant Democratic political and media machine in his battle for mayor but he handily won the GOP primary last night.…

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