Here’s the latest from the crossroads of faith, media & culture: 10/20/21 Your time is sacred. So says serial entrepreneur and Call to Mastery podcast host Jordan Raynor in his new Redeeming Your Time: 7 Biblical Principles for Being Purposeful, Present, and Wildly Productive (WaterBrook). We touched on the first four or those principles in…

Here’s the latest from the crossroads of faith, media & culture: 10/15/21 Critical Race Theory is shaping up as perhaps the mother of all issues this election cycle. The Biden Administration unleashed the righteous anger of moms (and dads) when it got Attorney General Merrick Garland to instruct the FBI to become involved in monitoring…

Here’s the latest from the crossroads of faith, media & culture: 10/08/21 Heaven sent. Jewish entrepreneur and podcaster Mark Gerson and his wife Rabbi Erica Gerson are committing $18 million dollars to support the lifesaving work of African Mission Healthcare (AMH), a nonprofit Christian missionary organization Gerson co-founded with his friend of 30 years Dr.…

Here’s the latest from the crossroads of faith, media & culture: 10/06/21 In the beginning there was Lauren Green. Fox News‘ chief religion correspondent was the first reporter the network hired when it launched 25 years ago tomorrow (10/7). She joined members of Fox News senior management, including CEO Suzanne Scott (center) and other on-air…

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