Here’s today’s FM&C Hot List. 1. Faith Ford’s role in Field of Vision hit home. I had the pleasure of participating in an online chat with the Murphy Brown/Hope & Faith star about her latest work, Field of Vision, the latest in the P&G-Walmart Family Movie Night series of TV movies set to air this…

Here’s today’s Faith, Media & Culture Hot List. And, I must say, it is a bit disturbing how many items involve organs, and not the musical kind. 1. A-Twitter over Weiner. From The Wrap: An errant Twit-pic of his bulging underwear landed Rep. Anthony Weiner in a doozy of a political scandal. Thus when the…

Here are today’s dispatches from the FM&C Hot List. 1. How not to make a pro-life movie. New Jersey state Senate candidate and ex-judge Kenneth Del Vecchio premiered his latest film The Life Zone, in association with his Justice For All Productions, on Saturday at the Hoboken Film Festival, which he co-founded and chairs. The…

Here are today’s dispatches from the FM&C Hot List: 1. The don’t call it The Left Coast for nothing. Ben Shapiro, author of Primetime Propaganda, is unleashing audio evidence of Hollywood’s blatant anti-conservative bias on YouTube. Here’s Susan Harris, the creator of Soap and The Golden Girls lamenting the “medieval minds” of people who don’t…

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